Rekindle Your Friendship The Crossword Way

Last month we had a college reunion and since then I have become a crossword fan. College reunion and crosswords? Doesn’t make sense, right? Wondering what could be the possible connection between the two? Well, you would smile when I tell you the story behind it. We graduated back in 2008. Yes, it’s been a decade now. I already feel old. Sigh! Anyways, since it’s been a decade that we had been to St Xavier’s (that’s my school), our batch had decided to conduct a reunion to reminiscence the good old memories. Well, that’s what happens at reunions, doesn’t it? And, of course, we all were pretty excited about it. After all, everyone was taking out time from their busy schedules and coming all over from various places to rekindle the old memories and make new ones too. I still remember the tug I felt in my heart when I saw my best friend after years, standing at the school gate and waving excitedly towards me. He was waiting for me to get the hell out of the car. Damn! This was when nostalgia hit me hard. It was a perfect deja vu moment for me! This was exactly the way he used to wait for me during school days! I remember literally jumping over him once I got down the car and we laughed hysterically, like maniacs for quite some good time (well, that’s what best friends are for, aren’t they?)

Okay, so before the crossword thing gets lost somewhere between my emotions and nostalgic memories, let’s get back to where we were. So, what made me fall in love with it is the fact that our group of friends had planned something very creative to cherish our reunion forever and that was rekindling our friendship the crossword way. Yes, you heard that right. After we were done partying, boozing, clicking a hell lot of pictures, we headed towards being a little more productive because that’s what schools are meant for. And, this is when our productivity found its way through a daily crossword puzzle. This idea was, of course of my best friend (he’s one intellectual lad, you know!) He had found this amazingly crafted online crossword puzzle with the name ‘Wealth Words’ a few weeks back and had instantly made it a part of our reunion. Wondering what was so amazing about this daily crossword puzzle? Well, let me tell you for a fact, I have not really been a crossword lover but, that was before I indulged in Wealth Words. Now, you just name crosswords and I will jump out of joy. Yes, I am that head over heels in love with crosswords now. In fact, with Wealth Words by your side, anyone and everyone will fall in love with crosswords irrevocably, for the very reason that it’s a real money earning game too. No kidding, my friend! It really is so.

Revamping the old school online crossword puzzles, Wealth Words has emerged as a contemporary crossword with a digital touch and lots and lots of cash prizes. Yes, all you need to do is answer its puzzles right and you are good to win its insanely huge cash prizes instantly. We did that on our reunion and oh my god! it turned out to be one crazy and fun day for sure.

I remember registering at its website, buying tokens worth $2 each for playing and rest as they say is history! We were playing its divisional and active games, grasping clues that came our way, putting our brain to rigorous mental stimulation and cheering each other while submitting the answers in an active time frame of an hour (that’s the time limit given). And, we actually won $1600 for an active game at Wealth Words. Isn’t that downright amazing? In fact, some of our other friends also won the division 1 and division 2 prizes. While the division 1 cash prizes required them to get all the 20 puzzles right, the division 2 prizes were won by those who got the second highest correct answers. Now, that was pretty simple, effortless and a chic way of earning money and I am glad we did that on our reunion. It couldn’t get any better.